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Leverage Omnichannel AI to Facilitate Your Marketing Efforts

Written by Mozeo | July 2, 2024

Businesses today have more platforms to leverage to reach their customers than ever before. In fact, 61% of companies—and 77% of all Business-to-Consumer (B2C) brands—have cited notable increases in the total number of marketing channels they utilize.

With more platforms comes more work. And with companies increasingly moving toward omnichannel models, that necessitates automating some of the more time-consuming marketing tasks. Over 80% of brands are already using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to aid in their marketing efforts and that figure is only supposed to climb in the coming years.

If you want to keep pace with emerging technological trends, you’ll need to learn to leverage omnichannel AI for your business. Let’s uncover the role of AI in omnichannel marketing strategies before jumping into some viable use cases you can implement to facilitate your business’s day-to-day operations.


What is Omnichannel Marketing?

Omnichannel marketing is the modern answer to the disjointed customer experience. It seeks to reach customers across their frequent touchpoints and make your brand an ever-present feature of their online and physical lives. While that’s the quick 411, it’s best considered in context with its predecessors:


  • Multichannel marketing – Multichannel marketing strategies seek to reach customers across a variety of different channels, say social media, television ads, and text messages. While these different channels all target the same consumers, they don’t share client information—effectively siloing each’s marketing efforts from one another.


  • Cross-channel marketing – Cross-channel marketing, like multichannel marketing, seeks to utilize multiple different platforms to advertise to consumers. The key difference is cross-channel approaches share information between channels. So when customers move from platform to platform, they enjoy a seamless brand experience rather than a disjointed purchasing journey.


  • Omnichannel marketing – Omnichannel marketing aims to leverage every possible channel to reach consumers—including all previously mentioned platforms, physical mediums such as magazines, and any other advertising spaces you can think of. Like cross-channel marketing, it shares information between channels to provide the simplest, most seamless customer experience possible. 


The Emergence of Artificial Intelligence in Omnichannel Marketing

AI has many uses in the marketing world and grows in scope and usability with each passing day. Studies show AI is already making marketing professionals 14% more efficient at their jobs, but that percentage is sure to grow with its expanding capabilities. Currently, some of the key tasks AI has effectively automated and simplified include:


  • Data analysis – Rather than painstakingly poring over spreadsheets to calculate sales figures, profit margins, and other Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), you can now automate analysis of your business records to get crucial metrics at a glance.


  • PersonalizationOver two-thirds of consumers expect companies to deliver personalized interactions with each contact. Manually customizing messages, tailoring ads, and enacting other personalization techniques is incredibly tedious, however. With effective AI tools to do the job for you, you can appease your clients and still have the time to focus on more pertinent organizational tasks. 


  • Predicting consumer behavior – Using data from users’ purchasing and browsing history, generative AI can make fairly accurate predictions about what and when they will buy in the future. This allows companies to double down on their personalization efforts by suggesting suitable products before consumers even realize they want them. 


Examples of AI-Driven Strategies in Omnichannel Marketing

AI has a variety of useful applications depending on your business’s sector, operations, and overall goals. Plenty of modern companies are already using AI to facilitate:


Personalized Customer Experiences

AI is revolutionizing the way customers experience brands. On social media, for instance, AI can quickly track a singular user to show them the same product ad across a variety of channels—effectively unifying their brand experience and purchasing journey.

AI is also making it easier than ever to appeal to those very same customers. Using key data about specific clients, AI can generate poignant messages that are more likely to resonate with users than uninformed, untargeted ads.


Predictive Analytics and Consumer Insights

As mentioned, AI can scour and analyze your company data much more quickly than any human analyst. It can then utilize this data to generate insights about your products’ sales trends, customer purchasing patterns, and more.

With this information, you can make more informed decisions about which products to push in your campaigns and which to focus less effort on. If something is selling particularly well, for instance, you may decide to put less money toward its promotion and let its reputation speak for itself. Alternatively, you may want to invest more in products with lower recognition to bolster their sales.

AI-generated data can be an invaluable asset to your company. However, the exact way you choose to utilize it is up to you.


Chatbots and Virtual Assistants

Customer support is costly and can significantly strain organizational resources. AI chatbots and virtual assistants can automate the majority of customer service claims, especially basic questions and requests. 

AI chatbots:

  • Are cost-effective 
  • Reply instantly
  • Are familiar to most consumers, as nearly 90% have used them within the last year


By utilizing chatbots and forgoing wait times to speak to a human representative, you’ll save on labor costs and provide your customers with the enhanced support they expect.


Automation for Efficiency and Scalability

With fast data on campaign health and KPIs, you’ll know exactly how to rework and refocus your marketing efforts for maximum success. Plus, with the ability to scale personalization in an instant, you won’t have to painstakingly type out each customer’s name, location, and other specifics to send them customized messages. 

All in all, AI saves you time across a variety of omnichannel marketing tasks. As an integral part of any omnichannel marketing strategy, you should be using a Short Messaging Service (SMS) platform that leverages AI to automate tedious texting tasks.


Power the SMS Portion of Your Omnichannel Campaign with Mozeo

Omnichannel marketing seeks to meet consumers at every possible touchpoint—from social media to SMS and more. From data analysis to personalization, omnichannel AI can automate much of the work of contemporary marketing for your business.

When it comes to automating texting tasks, Mozeo is the leading AI-integrated SMS platform. With the ability to automatically respond to client questions, Mozeo can handle your customer service concerns right out of the box. Likewise, it can push text to email and other channels, so you’ll always meet customers wherever they’re hanging out—even if it isn’t on their phones.

Try Mozeo in your next campaign to harness the power of AI-driven SMS for your business.